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с английского на арабский

a piece of

  • 1 piece

    [piːs] noun
    1) a part of anything:

    He examined it carefully piece by piece (= each piece separately).

    2) a single thing or example of something:

    a piece of news.

    قِطْعَه، شَيءٌ واحِدٌ مِن
    3) a composition in music, writing (an article, short story etc), drama, sculpture etc:

    He wrote a piece on social reform in the local newspaper.

    قِطْعَةٌ موسيقيَّةٌ او كِتابيَّه
    4) a coin of a particular value:

    a five-pence piece.

    قِطْعَه نُقود
    5) in chess, draughts and other games, a small shape made of wood, metal, plastic etc that is moved according to the rules of the game.
    قِطْعة او حَجر في لُعْبَة الشَّطْرَنْج

    Arabic-English dictionary > piece

  • 2 piece

    جَمَّعَ أجزاء شَيءٍ (مكسور، إلخ)‏ \ piece: (with together) to put (pieces) together so as to make a whole thing: She pieced the torn letter together. \ قِطْعَة \ piece: a particular example of sth.: a piece of music (or advice or furniture). \ See Also شَيءٌ مِنْ \ قِطْعَة نُقُود \ piece: a coin: a 50 pence piece. \ لاءَمَ \ piece: (with together) to put (pieces) together so as to make a whole thing: She pieced the torn letter together. \ See Also جمع (جَمَّعَ)، ركب (رَكَّبَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > piece

  • 3 piece

    جُزْء \ element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. fragment: a small part that has been broken off. part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments.

    Arabic-English glossary > piece

  • 4 piece

    قِطْعَة \ fragment: a small part that has been broken off. lump: a small mass with no regular shape: a lump of earth; a lump of butter. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments.

    Arabic-English glossary > piece

  • 5 piece

    نَمُوذَج (مُصَغَّر)‏ \ form: a printed paper asking for certain facts, with spaces that sb. must write in. miniature: (often attrib.) a very small copy of any object (often shortened in modern compounds to mini-): a miniature railway; a mini-skirt. model: sth. that is made or used as an example to be copied, (often attrib.) a small copy: model aeroplanes. pattern: an example from which copies may be made; a particular shape or kind: I want a new lock of the same pattern as this one. piece: a particular example of sth.: a piece of music (or advice or furniture). representative: being a sign or example: These lazy boys are not representative (are not good examples) of modern youth. sample: an example (of goods for sale, etc.) that shows what the rest are like: a sample of cloth. specimen: an example: Let me see a specimen of your work. He has some rare specimens in his stamp collection.

    Arabic-English glossary > piece

  • 6 piece

    عَيِّنَة \ piece: a particular example of sth.: a piece of music (or advice or furniture). representative: being a sign or example: These lazy boys are not representative (are not good examples) of modern youth. sample: an example (of goods for sale, etc.) that shows what the rest are like: a sample of cloth. specimen: an example: Let me see a specimen of your work. He has some rare specimens in his stamp collection. \ See Also مسطرة (مِسْطَرَة)، نَموذج

    Arabic-English glossary > piece

  • 7 piece together

    to put (the pieces of something) together:

    They tried to piece together the fragments of the broken vase.

    يَجْمَع القِطَع إلى بَعْضِها

    Arabic-English dictionary > piece together

  • 8 piece

    جَمَّعَ \ accumulate: to gather bit by bit: He is accumulating a large collection of foreign stamps. assemble: to put or bring together: The parts of this machine come from Germany but we assemble them in Britain. bunch: to place in a bunch: Her clothes were all bunched up in a heap. collect: to gather (sth. special): Some boys collect stamps. herd: to gather, keep or drive together: The prisoners were herded together like cattle. mass: (mostly of people) to gather into a mass: The enemy were massed along the border. piece: (with together) to put (pieces) together so as to make a whole thing: She pieced the torn letter together. raise: to gather (the means of doing sth.; money, an army, support, etc.): We raised $5000 to build a new Village Hall.

    Arabic-English glossary > piece

  • 9 piece

    رَكَّبَ \ assemble: to put or bring together: The parts of this machine come from Germany but we assemble them in Britain. fit: to fix; put into position: I fitted a new handle on (or to) the door. install: to place; fix in position: We installed an electric cooker in our kitchen. mount: to fix in position: The guns were mounted on the castle wall. piece: (with together) to put (pieces) together so as to make a whole thing: She pieced the torn letter together. \ See Also جمع (جَمَّعَ)، ثبت (ثَبَّت)، لاءم (لاءَمَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > piece

  • 10 piece, lump

    شُطْفَة \ piece, lump. \ See Also قطعة (قِطعة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > piece, lump

  • 11 eye-piece

    the part of a telescope etc to which one puts one's eye.
    عَيْنِيَّةُ المِجْهَر

    Arabic-English dictionary > eye-piece

  • 12 قطعة أرض

    piece of land

    Arabic-English dictionary > قطعة أرض

  • 13 قطعة

    قِطْعَة \ fragment: a small part that has been broken off. lump: a small mass with no regular shape: a lump of earth; a lump of butter. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ قِطْعَة (صَابُون)‏ \ tablet: (of soap for washing one’s body) a piece. \ See Also لوح (لَوْح)‏ \ قِطْعَة \ a lump of sugar: a neat little block of sugar for putting in tea or coffee. \ See Also مُكَعَّب سُكّر \ قِطْعَة \ piece: a particular example of sth.: a piece of music (or advice or furniture). \ See Also شَيءٌ مِنْ \ قِطْعَة أَرْض \ property: a piece of land, with any building on it: We’ve bought a small property by the sea. \ See Also عقار (عَقَار)‏ \ قِطْعَة أَرْض صغيرة \ plot: a small piece of land, suitable for a building or garden. \ قِطْعَة إضَافِيّة \ accessory: a useful thing or part which is added to sth. else: A bell is a usual accessory for a bicycle. \ قِطْعَة حَلْوَى \ sweet: a piece of sugary food (such as Chocolate or Peppermint). \ قِطْعَة صَغيرة \ bit: a small piece of anything: a bit of paper. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. shred: a thin bit (of cloth, paper, etc.) that has been torn off sth.: He tore the letter into shreds. \ قِطْعَة ضَخْمَة \ block: a large piece of sth. solid (wood, stone, metal, etc.). \ قِطْعَة طويلة ضيّقة (من الوَرق، القماش، الأرض، إلخ)‏ \ strip: a long narrow piece: a strip of cloth; a strip of land. \ قِطْعَة عازلة للحرارة (توضع تحت الطبق الساخن)‏ \ mat: a small piece of material, put under hot dishes to save a table, etc. from damage. \ قِطْعَة غَليظَة \ chunk: thick piece cut or broken off sth. (meat, metal, etc.): a chunk of rock. \ See Also ضَخْمَة \ قِطْعَة غِيَار \ part: a necessary piece of a machine: He went to get a spare part for his car. spare: a spare part of a machine. \ قِطْعَة فَنّيّة \ work of art: sth. perfectly made, esp. in one of the fine arts. \ قِطْعَة قماش \ cloth, (cloths): a piece of cloth for a special purpose: a tablecloth; a cloth for cleaning one’s shoes. \ قِطْعَة قماش لطِلاء الوَجه بالمَسَاحِيق \ powder puff: a piece of soft material with which a woman powders her face. \ قِطْعَة كبيرة \ hunk: a thick piece of sth. (bread, meat, cheese, etc.). \ قِطْعَة لَحْم بِعَظْمِها \ joint: a bone with the meat on it, ready for cooking. \ قِطْعَة مختارة \ passage: a particular part of a piece of writing: She read me an exciting passage from her new book. \ قِطْعَة مُعْشِبَة من الأَرْض \ sod: a cut piece of earth with grass growing from it. \ قِطْعَة من السُّكَّر على طَرف عُود \ lollipop: a sweet fastened to a small stick. \ قِطْعَة مَنْحُوتة \ sculpture: an example of sculpture (see فنّ النحت): The winged Victory is a famous Greek sculpture. \ قِطْعَة مُوسِيقِيَّة \ composition: a piece of writing or music: Your English composition was well written. \ قِطْعَة نَقْد معدنيّة \ coin: a piece of money made of metal. \ قِطْعَة نُقُود \ piece: a coin: a 50 pence piece.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قطعة

  • 14 جزء

    جُزْء \ element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. fragment: a small part that has been broken off. part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ أَجْزَاء الآلة \ machinery: the parts of a machine: Don’t catch your finger in the machinery. \ أَجْزَاءٌ دَوّارة (مِن عجَلاتٍ وتُروس)‏ \ running gear. \ _(field) Eng. \ الأَجْزَاء المتحرّكة من الآلة (في صيغة الجمع)‏ \ works: the moving parts of a machine (other than the wheels of a vehicle): You should oil the works of your sewing machine. \ أَجْزَاء نَزوعة (يُمكِنُ فَصلُها)‏ \ detachable parts. \ الجُزْء الأوسط من الحشرة \ thorax: the middle part of an insect, between the head and the abdomen. \ جُزْء تَفْصيلي \ detail: one of the small parts that make up a complete description: Please give me all the details of the accident. Describe it in detail. \ الجُزْء الخارجيّ \ outside: (often attrib.) the outer part; not the enclosed part: The outside of the house was painted white. \ الجُزْء الذي يُقْعَدُ عَلَيه \ seat: the part on which one’s bottom rests, when one sits: the seat of one’s trousers; the seat of a chair (not its back or its legs). \ جُزْء الشارع المُخَطَّط (المُخَصَّص لعُبور المُشاة)‏ \ zebra crossing: (in Britain) a place on a busy street marked in black and white stripes, where people have the right to cross the street. \ جُزْء طفيف \ fraction: a small part: Only a fraction of the money remained. \ الجُزْء العَمِيق \ channel: the deep part of a waterway: Keep to the channel or you will stick in the mud. \ جُزْءٌ مُقْتَطَع \ fraction. \ جُزْء مُكوِّن (لِـ)‏ \ component: helping to form a complete thing: There are many component parts of a machine. ingredient: a part of a mixture (esp. in cooking). \ الجُزْء المُلامس للأرض من دُولاب السيّارة \ tread: the raised pattern on a tyre (which stops it from sliding). \ جُزْء من أجزاء الكلام \ part of speech: (in the study of language) a kind of word, such as verb or noun. \ جُزْء من بَلَد \ country: land with a special nature or character: This is good farming country. The road ran through thickly wooded country. \ جُزْء من بِناء مَبْنِيّ بالحَجَر \ stonework: decorative stone that is built into a wall, etc.. \ جُزْء من مائة من الدُّولار \ cent: a piece of money that is worth one hundredth of the chief coin: 100 cents make one American dollar.

    Arabic-English dictionary > جزء

  • 15 نبذة (إخبارية)

    نُبْذَة (إخباريّة)‏ \ item: a piece of writing in a newspaper: a short item about bee-keeping. paragraph: a separate piece of news in a newspaper. passage: a particular part of a piece of writing: She read me an exciting passage from her new book. titbit: a small piece of sth. interesting (news, etc.). \ See Also قِطْعة مُختارة \ نُبْذَة تَهكُّمِيَّة \ skit: a short amusing piece of writing (esp. one that copies some serious piece of writing, and makes it seem foolish).

    Arabic-English dictionary > نبذة (إخبارية)

  • 16 بطاقة

    بِطَاقَة \ card: a small piece of stiff paper, esp. one used for short messages or greetings: a postcard; a birthday card. tag: a bit of cloth or card that is fixed to sth., esp in shops: the price tag on a new shirt. ticket: a piece of card or paper, which shows that one has paid (for a seat, for the right to enter a place, etc.): a bus ticket; a cinema ticket, a small card that is tied to goods, to show their price. \ بِطَاقَة \ label: a piece of card or paper that is fixed to sth. (to show what it is, where it must go, what it costs, etc.): Is there a price label? The label on the medicine says it should be taken 3 times a day. \ See Also رقعة (رُقْعَة)، مُلْصَقَة صغيرة \ بِطَاقَة بَريديّة \ postcard: a piece of card, with space for a message on one side and for an address on the other. \ بِطَاقَة بَريديّة مُصَوَّرة \ picture postcard: a postcard that has a picture on one side, with space for the address and the message on the other. \ بِطَاقَة مُصَمَّغة \ sticker: a piece of paper with a sticky back, for fastening to sth. as a sign or notice.

    Arabic-English dictionary > بطاقة

  • 17 حجر

    حَجَر \ rock: the solid stone part of the earth’s surface (compared with loose material like soil and sand): You cannot dig through rock, except with machinery, a piece of rock, of whatever size He threw a rock into the sea. We saw the Rock of Gibraltar. The ship struck a rock (a piece of rock coming up through the sea). stone: rock that is used for building, etc.: a block of stone; limestone, a piece of rock, esp. a small piece He threw a stone at the boy. Jewels are valuable stones. \ See Also صخر (صَخْر)‏ \ أحجارٌ شِبهُ كَريمة \ semi-precious stones. \ _(field) Min. \ حَجَر غرانِيت \ granite: a hard grey kind of rock. \ See Also صوان (صَوَّان)‏ \ حَجَر جِيرِيّ \ limestone: a kind of hard rock, used for building etc.. \ حَجَر الدومينو \ domino(-noes): one of a set of small flat pieces of wood, plastic, etc. marked with spots for a game. \ حَجَر الرَّحَى \ millstone: one of a pair of heavy circular stones, for making flour in a mill. \ حَجَر شِطْرَنْج \ chessman: any of the pieces used in the game of chess. \ حَجَر صَوّان \ flint: hard stone that can make fire when it is struck; a piece of this. \ حَجَر عَثْرَة \ stumbling-block: sth. that prevents progress. \ حَجَر كَرِيم \ jewel: a valuable stone (of many kinds) that is worn as an ornament or is used in making a watch. \ حَجَر الكِلْس \ limestone: a kind of hard rock, used for building etc..

    Arabic-English dictionary > حجر

  • 18 لوح

    لَوْح \ board: a flat piece of any material for a special purpose: a notice board. sheet: a broad thin piece of any material (glass, metal, paper, etc.) that will lie flat: a sheet of notepaper. \ لَوْح أردُوَازِيّ \ slate: a blue-grey rock that breaks into small flat sheets; such sheets, used for roofing a building. \ لَوْح أسْوَد \ blackboard: a board (in a classroom) that a teacher writes on with chalk. \ لَوْح خَشَب \ board: a long thin flat piece of wood. plank: a long narrow board. \ لَوْح خشبيّ (كجُزء من باب أو جدار)‏ \ panel: a piece of fitted board that forms part of a door or wall. \ لَوْح خشبيّ رَقيق \ shingle: a flat piece of wood used in making roofs. \ لَوْح زُجاج (في باب أو نافِذة)‏ \ pane: a sheet of glass in a window.

    Arabic-English dictionary > لوح

  • 19 element

    جُزْء \ element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. fragment: a small part that has been broken off. part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments.

    Arabic-English glossary > element

  • 20 fragment

    جُزْء \ element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. fragment: a small part that has been broken off. part: a piece of sth.; not all of it: The story is divided into four parts. I spent part of the money on food. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments.

    Arabic-English glossary > fragment

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